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How Screen Time Can Slow Your Child’s Development
by Cleveland Clinic
Many parents have, at one time or another, given their child a device or screen to entertain or occupy them. That’s okay once in a while, but some estimates suggest kids are racking up five to seven hours of screen time each day. That’s concerning, says psychiatrist Joseph Austerman, DO. Young minds need human social interaction and too much screen time can slow a child’s development on many levels.

4 Reasons to Promote Math Success through Games
by Shannon Duncan. Mind Research Institute
Why do educators try to use games for learning, especially with math content? Is it just to make learning fun? This is an important question; we see the difference in achievement when students are engaged and participating. So making learning fun is a big part of our goal..

How Games Can Help Kids Get Better at Math?
by Andrew M.I. Lee, JD. Understood.org
A fun math game typically has set rules, goals, and competition—either against other players or an individual score. Clear rules and goals are important, because they let kids know exactly what to do. Competition matters because it gives kids a challenge.

Why Play Maths Games?
by Kitty Rutherford. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and computation strategies.

“Students most effectively learn “maths facts” working on problems that they enjoy, rather than through exercises and drills they fear”
Stanford Professor Jo Boaler, 2015 

“Researchers at University of Chicago stated that an important context for figuring out problems through reasoning is puzzle play”
Science Daily February 2012

GAMES: A Rationale for their Use in the Teaching of Mathematics in School
by Paul Ernest, School of Education, University of Exeter
When groups of children play mathematical games they need to talk over moves and discuss the correctness of answers and different strategies. Thus, mathematical games encourage discussion;

Learning Mathematics Through Games Series
Jenni Way, Published February 2011. NRICH Website of The University of Cambridge
We all know that children enjoy playing games. Experience tells us that games can be very productive learning activities.

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